Saturday, April 12, 2008

Top Ten List of Extremely Controversial Things

The following list contains products and ideas that are extremely controversial in nature. Rejected Musings understands that there are two sides to every issue, and that both sides often have equally valid points. Rejected Musings, and it's staff wish to remain neutral on these hot-button issues, and neither endorse, nor condemn the use, or practice, of any of the items listed below.

1. Necro-Puppetry
2. Ethnic slur cookies
3. Octogenarian wardrobe malfunctions
4. Bloodmobile bag fights
5. Fur-lined abortion tools
6. Dr. assisted panda suicide
7. Guns for Fetuses exchange programs
8. Ron Howard
9. Black rhino flavored steroid needles
10. Abstinence only education for disabled war veterans (taught via Necro-Puppetry)

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